

IC 2169 (= IC 447) Discovered (Jan 24, 1894) by Edward Barnard (and later listed as IC 447) Discovered (late 1890's?) by Edward Barnard (and later listed as IC 2169) A reflection nebula in Monoceros (RA 06 31 06.0, Dec +09 52 00)

The smaller object to the right of IC 2169 is IC 2167 (also known as IC 446). The two objects toward to top of the image are NGC 2245 (left) and NGC 2247 (right). The very small vdB 79 reflection nebula is just above and to the left of IC 2167. IC 2169. Combination of 10, 3 minute exposures using red, green and blue filters. SBIG STL-1001E CCD. 5" f/5 refractor at prime focus. IC 2169 is a faint reflection nebula in Monoceros, located close to NGC 2284, the "Cone Nebula"..

Ic 2169

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Higher-resolution versions: 1680 x 1050 2150 x 1430. Object Type: Reflection nebula. Constellation:  Sep 27, 2018 The blue area at right is the reflection nebula IC 2169. This nebula does not emit its own light as emission nebulae do, but only reflects the light of  IC 2169 - Reflection Nebula in Monoceros. RGB 60:40:80min, 8" f/4 Flat Field Camera, ST10XME.

IC 2169 in Monoceros : IC 443 in Gemini : NGC 2174 and NGC 2175 in Orion : Sharpless 261 (LBN 864) in Orion : Emission Nebula IC 410 : California Nebula - NGC1499 in Perseus : IC 1805 in Cassiopeia : Sh2-157 Region in Cepheus and Cassiopeia : Cederblad 214 Close Up : IC 1396 in Cepheus : NGC 7023 in Cepheus (Wide Field)

Exposure. 60s 2019-03-11 IC 2169 a nice reflection nebula in the constellation of Monoceros, next to the more commonly imaged cone/christmas tree/fox fur nebulas (you can see a hint of it in red).

Ic 2169

Dec 8, 2008 IC 2169 is the most difficult of all. Even with a large scope a “hint” is all! Now, get out there and capture NGC 2261 (RA 6:39.2 Dec +08 

Ic 2169

RIDEX Styrtapp, bromsok. Artikelnummer: 2169G0012. I lager. 34,10 kr -31%. Ic-cz Arkitektur Sverige; Ic-cz Arkitektur: Sverige: särskilda orter; Ncbiz Geografi: Göteborg: särskilda orter Placering: Sv 1995 2169 Placering: VALLA ic.

Ic 2169

Note the cool "solved image" link thing. 2020-02-24 Another train with train no. IC 2169: » Leiden Centraal - Den Haag Centraal Route: Karlsruhe Hbf - Stuttgart Hbf . Scheduled route: ∅ delay. 1 min. last 30 days. punctuality.
Rehabkedjan 90 dagar

2019-02-15 · Object Name: IC 2169 Object Type: Reflection nebula Constellation: Monoceros Acquisition Date: January 12, 2013 Location: Anza-Borego Desert State Park, San Diego County, California Equipment: • Imaging Scope – Takahashi MT-200 with the 0.8s reducer/corrector • Imaging Camera – SBIG STL-11000XM IC 2162. Click on image for larger version. These glowing clouds of gas have young and bright stars in their centers which cause the gas to emit red light. ic 2169 — галактыка тыпу rn (відзеркалююча туманність) ў сузор’і Аднарог.. Гэты аб’ект знаходзіцца ў арыгінальнай рэдакцыі індэкснага каталога.

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15. Febr. 2019 Auf Grund der Nähe zum populären Christmas Tree Cluster wird er wohl des öfteren nicht beachtet. Der größere blaue Nebel ist mit IC 2169 

IC 2169. Combination of 10, 3 minute exposures using red, green and blue filters. SBIG STL-1001E CCD. 5" f/5 refractor at prime focus.